Gate Master have a wide range of Automated Electric Bollards for residential, commercial and industrial applications - from securing car parks to protection from ram raids. We supply hydraulic, semi-automatic and fixed versions of many of our range. Our bollards have a number of uses which predominately fall into the following use cases:

  • Control of road traffic

  • Prevention of ram raid type attacks on property

  • Protection of property or equipment

  • Perimeter security type applications

Most of Gate Master’s bollards are available in standard painted steel or stainless steel. Sizes range from 600mm to 1200mm cylinder height (from the ground) with a cylinder diameter range of 200mm to 355mm. Whether you are looking for a parking bollard, commercial traffic bollard or have a high-security perimeter protection requirement - we have an industry-leading solution for your project.

Gate Master’s Neon Lit Bollards

Gate Master’s Neon Lit Bollards

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